
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

History is an excellent teacher...

History is an excellent teacher. It is a ledger that calls black black and red red. Learning from it depends on if the record keeper has an eraser.

It seems in today’s political world erasers abound and there are plenty of people hoping that if they can remove certain parts of history they can help recreate the ideas and events that failed in the first, second and even third go-around. It begs the question, “why?” Why would anyone want to deliberately deny certain facts of history on the record—facts that taught great lessons from failure and success? –Facts that sculpt who we are or what we become? The answer is simple: Although history, the record of a group of people, typically, demonstrates how many ideas failed that group of people, it does not necessarily show failure of an individual.—At least not until after the system failed. And sometimes despite overall failure of a practice for the entire body, success on the individual level prevails. The gamble for personal gain and achievement, even if at the expense of the body on which the attempts are being made, is a lucrative temptation few sociopathic and narcissistic minds can resist.

As governor of New York, Franklin D. Roosevelt was conservative. But once in the oval office, he blanketed the nation with the largest federal programs, plans, sweeping changes in judicial power resulting in growth of executive power, and tax schemes ever amassed at one time in our history. In a nutshell, Roosevelt, while he didn’t begin that process, certainly put America on the map as a socialistic tyranny. Among his many socialistic ideas were road projects and other work projects to increase employment statistics. He expanded taxes, including hefty inheritance taxes that included five new kinds of tax: inheritance, estate, succession, legacy, and gift taxes. History has shown that government projects to “create jobs” during the depression failed miserably to achieve any notable and significant improvement in the economy. Likewise, all other plans to build the economy via government intervention have shown that significant improvement did not in reality occur. Overseas, the Soviet Union, and then Japan as late as the 1990’s, also collapsed under the stealth assumption that government economic prowess—socialism–would bring prosperity. It did not, but collapsed under its own weight.

Liberals will accuse conservatives of not having a “plan” for economic expansion and vitality. In that accusation lays a fundamental paradigm, which is actually not in sync with the Founders and Framers of this country. That paradigm expects that all “plans” originate in the government. Believers that the government must do something hold a paradigm that says the government must do something concrete and tangible in order to say they are actually doing anything at all.

What is being overlooked is the converse paradigm that no plan by the government is indeed a plan. It is based upon a philosophy that allows the People to come up with their own plan. And that is a plan. Thomas Jefferson taught, “Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.” In addition, Benjamin Franklin said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” The intent of the Constitution and its impetus, the Declaration of Independence, promises that all people have a sacred right and obligation to pursue happiness in their own way.

So when Democrats and liberals lay charges at conservatives that they are somehow derelict in their service to constituents by not offering their own concrete “plan”, it is a deception on the intended purpose of the Federal government. It also produces serious side effects that run opposite the claimed intention of such concrete “plans” by actually perpetuating and compounding the problem. When government expands it does not help the free market system, since it dictates what to do. Bur rather, it becomes the economy’s main competitor and a parasite.

Frustration builds when leaders implement historically failed policies. It is a signal of something other than public good because it does not make sense. We have a U.S. President who is so bent on fulfilling his own agenda he will lie to Americans, foreigners, and even himself about historical circumstances, results, basic premises of our society, and projected outcomes in order to achieve those goals. Recall, for instance, when Mr. Obama commented that Islam has always been a part of America’s history? That is a blatant lie. It is so far from truth it borders on science fiction. An extremely small percentage of individuals came from both Jewish and Catholic faiths. And Islam, as well as other unrelated religions played no part in American history. But injecting that statement into American history can justify inclusion of such things as Islamic ideals, –Sharia Law, or mass support for a modern day Muslim Conquest.

Another lie, related to the first example, is Mr. Obama’s comment that America is no longer a Christian nation. That is laughable on its face. While America is certainly a “melting pot”, Christianity is far and away the dominant religion of this country. As of July, an ABC News poll noted that 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christian. Only 4% were Muslim, Buddhist, or even Jewish. The others declared no association. Moreover, Christianity, the bedrock of our social norms and mores, is deeply rooted in this country’s common law foundation.

I suppose we could get derailed with a plethora of “stories” and misinformation this President has a chronic habit of telling, but the examples will serve as an indication of Mr. Obama’s panache for manipulating facts as a means to an end. And more than telling lies, are the deceptions this president conjures when omitting what he is doing, as he is with his infamous Executive Orders. Unfortunately, lies are not the end of this president’s achievements.

To add, he cheats the system he has sworn to uphold in order to fulfill his personal objectives. In fact, Mr. Obama cheats so badly, that one has to wonder how long this has been going on in his life. With every president there are times of arguable indiscretion. Those are noted because they are the exception. But with this president it is the norm to ignore the rules.

For example: Mr. Obama just signed an Executive Order version of the Dream Act—you know, the amnesty bill that didn’t have a flying elephant’s chance of passing the House? So, Mr. Obama circumvented the entire Constitution and the Congress by writing his own legislation on it. There is no provision for the president to legislate via any method, including executive orders. It is an impeachable offense as it runs opposite to his oath of office. The Constitution is quite clear: Article I, Sec.1 reads, “ALL legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United Sates, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” But nearly all of Mr. Obama’s Executive Orders are legislation. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has no interest, nor the education, to notice the violations.

The consequences to this behavior are worse than implementing a historically failed practice that is bound to end the same as all previous attempts. One such endeavor falling into the latter category is the Healthcare Act. While the president will use Massachusetts as justification, their system has failed to work as intended. The former socialist block knows full well the myriad of problems associated with a fully implemented government healthcare system. Canada now has nowhere to go to have critical procedures done, such as lifesaving surgery, now that America’s system is no longer available to them in a fully functioning free market.

But the worst of lies and cheating comes in rationale to justify poor public policies such as those related to our economic system. A list of those poor decisions is unnecessary. Americans know what they are—(TARP, ignoring CUT,CAP, & BALANCE, etc.) and the latest, passing a bill to raise the debt ceiling which not only garnered the ire of the public but Standard & Poor’s who, along with Moody’s has warned for months that raising the debt ceiling would not remove the threat of credit rating drops. S&P dropped the United States rating from AAA+ to AA+ immediately following passage of the debt ceiling deal. To that, another lie: Mr. Obama’s public statement in reaction to this was, “…this is the United States of America. No matter what some agency may say, we have always been and always will be a Triple-A country.” The statement had the ring of someone who was saying, “How dare you!” “Some agency” isn’t just any agency. That agency has within its power to rank the United States based upon its behavior. Mr. Obama’s attempt to ignore this is deceit in itself—if not to all of us, certainly to himself. It doesn’t appear he either understands or cares about the players in the game or the rules.

Even those are not the real problem. And nothing I’ve noted is news. Unfortunately, the policies that history would otherwise prove idiotic, brought by lies and cheating, are not the most profound problem and have not created the worst outcome. But these symptoms are only exacerbating it. Those are produced by a byproduct of them. This by-product is that most people cannot figure out what the President’s agenda is exactly. He is unpredictable. The reality is: Americans don’t trust this president—neither his ability to honor them with the truth nor in his leadership capabilities or intentions.

Because of this, money is deliberately withheld from the markets. Businesses hold back for fear that Mr. Obama’s actions will stifle, or sabotage their free enterprise efforts. Consumers are holding back because the market is so unstable they neither predict Obama’s moves nor the economy. Investors are not investing here and savers not saving because they fear their money will suddenly disappear.

The President can say his policies are helping all he wants. But saying it doesn’t make it so. What Mr. Obama needs to understand is that his agenda is not working despite erasing the record. Regardless of whether people know the history of programs and plans such as his or not, they are not responding nor obliging his objectives as the compliant citizenry that the President expected. People know he has a big fat eraser and they can see that he is “fudging” the books. No matter what is erased from the ledger of history, it won’t change what is in the till.

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