
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Keys to Communist Party Success: Methods of "Changing" America in their own words

The Democratic Party: Communism’s cloak

Two years ago I wrote on my blog that electing Obama would prove to be, not just a disappointment to Republican voters, but also a betrayal to Democratic ones, as they were duped into believing Obama stood for freedom rather than bondage by government.

Obama is not a Democrat as much as a socialist and potential Communist. The Communist Party agrees.

But I was partly wrong and stand corrected by that party. I should have included the current leadership in Congress of the Democratic Party as well as many executive appointed Obama point men. Without correction at the polls the Federal government is precisely on track—albeit a slower one than they wish—down the path of Communism. So says the Communist website:

"If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover and continue moving forward."

From the pool of those elected rise the teams that facilitate an Administration. What you vote for now, either feeds solutions or feeds problems.

The Communist Party is methodically courting the Democratic Party. And says so openly. The Republican Party is a lost cause to them. While the website was full of inaccuracies and flat out lies in a propaganda blitz, a reading of certain articles, such as the speech given at the Communist Party Convention, reveal much, on and between the lines, smooth talk and propaganda aside. (Thankfully we have world history to show the true colors of Communism's full cycle to failure.)

In its national convention, Communist Party Chair, Sam Webb counseled:

"I say 'stay attuned to the thinking and mood of the American people' because that is the point of departure as far as building broad united action is concerned. What we think and how we say it to a larger audience is important and necessary for sure. In fact, our message is needed now more than ever.

But we should not make the mistake of assuming what we think is necessarily what the American people think and are ready to fight for" [emphasis added].

All true, the words leap off the page. What he is saying is, (like the website) don’t tell people everything about the Communist ideology. Tell them the part that sounds good. Then we can persuade them to join our forces. And let us continue to use the Democratic Party as the mechanism for mutual goals.

Webb continues:

"Nor should we make the mistake of thinking that what unites working people and their allies and what they are ready to fight for is a static target. What energizes people today can easily give way to something of a more radical nature tomorrow."

Meaning, keep your heads up and eyes open for inroads. Look to adjust to the crises of the moment, because that is how the Communist ideology works. And hope for radicalism (read: willingness to revolutionize the country). Heads up and eyes open is precisely what the American voter must have.

Infiltration or Indoctrination: It is all the same to the Communist party
We come to the crux of the Communist Party methodology:

I would argue that a relationship to the Democratic Party at this stage of struggle is a strategic necessity and later on probably a tactical requirement. It also isn't at loggerheads with the struggle for political independence.

The first part of this statement is self-explanatory. The latter is a disturbing one, if one understands the history of Communism and freedom-liberty; and their opposition to each other. “Loggerheads with the struggle for political independence” the hope that some day in the future the ideals of communism can stand on their own without piggy-backing on the Democratic Party.

Properly organized and united, the working class and people's movement can win and utilize positions in the government and state apparatus to bend public policy, institutions and agencies to the advantage of working people and their allies and create the conditions for more radical changes.

The emphasis (italicized words) in the above two paragraphs comes directly from the original transcript. A read of the Communist Manifesto will translate for Americans the meaning of “working class” and “people’s movement” all which were used by leaders such a Hitler, who proved that the only worth of the “working class” is in facilitating whatever the government deems important for it’s good — not the people’s.

Hence, people are referred to by the indifferent term of “the masses.”

A reform-minded president - and certainly one who has "Transformative" ambitions - is only successful to the degree that a mass and militant insurgency is part of the political mix.

In January 2009, Chair Webb made these remarks:

“[An] economic recovery plan must include not only a sizable and sustained economic stimulus, but also far-reaching political and economic reforms [that] have any chance of resuming a developmental growth path that is robust, sustainable (in a double sense: economically and environmentally) and favors the interests of the working class and its allies."

Study of Webb’s writings concurs with the Manifesto: “developmental growth path” means socialism. “Favoring the interests of the working class and it allies” is fancy double speak for the Communist Party and the government they design.

How Obama fits the agenda

In his 2009 outline to facilitate the goals of Communism were these that correspond to action by Congress and the Administration: In brackets is listed the corresponding action of President Obama.

* Public ownership of the financial system and the elimination of the shadow banking system and exotic derivatives. [TARP; FannieMae; FreddieMac; AIG]

* Public control of the Federal Reserve Bank.

* Counter-crisis spending of a bigger size and scope to invigorate and sustain a full recovery and meet human needs—something that the New Deal never accomplished. [Stimulus; Cash for Clunkers; Small Business stimulus]

* Strengthening of union rights in order to balance the power between labor and capital in the economic and political arenas. [Bill to consolidate work’s voted into one union vote; elimination of secured private ballot]

* Trade agreements that have at their core the protection and advancement of international working-class interests. [Multilateral Agreement for the Establishment of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries, NY, 09.24.2010; Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Political Rights, NY, Dec. 2008].

* Equality in conditions of life for racial minorities and women.

* Democratic public takeover of the energy complex as well as a readiness to consider the takeover of other basic industries whose future is problematic in private hands [moratorium on oil platforms in the Gulf who have violated no permits or statutes; one of the first initiatives Obama enacted with unequaled Executive power was a moratorium on Gas drilling in Utah—holder of the one of the largest deposits of natural gas and shale (oil)].

* Turning education, childcare, and healthcare into “no profit” zones [public education that included early morning childcare, wards of the state; UN treaty “Rights of the Child”; Obamacare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act)].

* Rerouting investment capital from unproductive investment (military, finance and so forth) to productive investment in a green economy and public infrastructure [The Obama administration's promotion of Green policies dominate grants; TARP; ending war without winning].

* Changing direction of our nation’s foreign policy toward cooperation, disarmament, and diplomacy. We can’t have threats, guns and military occupations, on the one hand, and butter, democracy, goodwill, and peace, on the other. [Oct.2010, Obama agreed to give China America’s top secret technology with military capabilities; then Obama sent NASA administrator to China to ‘negotiate’ space technology “sharing”; Disarmament Treaty 2010].

* Full-scale assault on global warming [“Global Warming” treaty].

* Serious and sustained commitment to assisting the developing countries, which are locked in poverty and [“Global Warming” treaty; See ‘Trade Agreements; there are actually many UN treaties under this guise currently under construction].

New model of economic governance needed [“Global Warming” treaty].
Mid-term elections carry the burden of accomplishing the goals of an Administration. In this election the question begging the people as they go to the polls is whether they will elect public servants willing to accommodate and cooperate with “a reform-minded president who has transformative ambitions,” as the Communist Party plainly puts it, to reach their goals of changing the United States of America.

Other reading in full text used for this series of articles:

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