Frankly, I find Mr. Obama's behavior and treatment of the Bengahzi affair as heartless and offensive. I do not understand how a President--of all people--could blow off
security for his own; say the loss of
dutiful patriotic Americans is "not optimal"; then lie over and over
about what anyone who can read or see knows is a cover up of negligence and
subsequent insensitivity. Obama seems beyond either remorse or empathy. As Brett Baer said, "It is chilling." I would add sickening.
I understand the feelings of the wife of one of those lost
in the attack who doesn't want her husband's untimely death politicized. I feel
for her. I hope she understands that her loss represents a loss for all of us;
The truth is, it was our loss. The situation exposes some serious misunderstandings between Obama and Americans. We want answers. We want to do better. Find better. We want to remove the
problems. It cannot ever occur
again, or we--not terrorists--will be our own worst enemy.
The problem is partly that we voted in someone who I think most who voted for him thought had an understanding of American social norms and mores. Calling your political foe "a murderer," and telling a group of elementary school children that he is "full of $%*&;!!" is beyond the pale. I can’t imagine what he is thinking: Any respectable person would
set a better example.
I am confident that even if the majority of Americans do
not know much about their own country's formation and Constitution, they DO
understand common decency and care for human beings.
There is still hope in the world. Good people abound. After
a political drought, one of them, a rather unpretentious, but highly successful
man, will take office in January. I'm
confident, expecting he will be imperfect, but caring, that we will be much
safer and deaths of Americans will not be chillingly swept aside as "not optimal."
He will rise to the occasion. We must rise to the occasion
too, and together we will be partners, imperfect, but looking for ways to make
the world better because America is better.
Thus, I have a plea for Romney—and all future Presidents: Expand your care, honesty, and drive to these
areas, and we will do likewise:
protect us by protesting the Constitution: Please do not make executive
orders that legislate—no matter how tempting or how good the motive appears.
Take your plea for good legislation directly to the people who will back you in
Congress. You can honor this request first, by removing all of Obama’s
Executive Orders and sending anything worthy (?) to Congress to address.
understand Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Opinions and make yourself very familiar with
their rulings: The Obamacare ruling
is a good case in point and place to start. It DID NOT uphold most of the Act.
Quite the Contrary, no part has authority to compel private citizens, states or
businesses. Most people don’t know this. It is, however, upheld as a tax. The Constitution
provides for that—and only that part that is a tax—as Roberts affirmed only
that much. So, if you are going to do anything to that, make sure agencies and
bureaucracies do not overstep their authority here, thinking that since
Americans are widely ignorant of the outcome of that SCOTUS case, they will
comply with unconstitutional actions. Do likewise for all other SCOTUS
bureaucracies! Just shrink them. Get
rid of unfair, unconstitutional, unyielding, and oppressive policies.
Return to
the states what is theirs:
Acknowledge their duty and sovereign right to govern the affairs of
their own people in education, social issues, and all areas not specifically
enumerated in the Constitution for the Federal government. We will hold you to
this one especially, since you have already promised it.
drinking all that milk, we need your backbone: Retract our position in the
UN. You can start by making our soil off limits to the UN to inspect ANYTHING.
They have no right or authority to decide anything about our affairs. We
Americans like sovereignty and we expect you to protect it. We don’t want the
UN taking anything from us. If we inspect our own voting polls, so be it. If we
do not, so be it. Whatever we do, we will do it together as Americans. That
goes for other intruders as well.
our free market system: Back off businesses and return government employees
to private sector jobs. Of course free markets are integral to free
societies; We will hold you to this
promise too.
The world holds much that is good. We have the opportunity
to go forward, learning from the Benghazi debacle, and many poor decisions
before it, so the loss of four trusting Americans' lives are not in vain.