Before adding up the math, there need to be a very basic review of our Constitutional government: The Federal Government was never set up to support--literally, the programs and projects it is currently involved in. The states were designed to carry on the policies directly for the people. The Federal government was designed to have a simple scaffolding to support the states only, not an intricate one designed to support the rights and beyond, the needs of each state's people.
As such, there are some key powers and duties assigned to the Federal government. Of those were lots of military--eight of the eighteen clauses are about the military and protecting the states; protecting inventions--intellectual property; providing and maintaining "post roads and offices"--providing for the mail; international commerce; uniform rules for becoming an American; bankruptcy laws; punishments for specific crimes that have a larger than state effect; taxes on the states proportional to their population; and, so forth. But there is no duty to provide health insurance, or other social services. That is prohibited by the limits imposed under the Constitution but not prohibited by individual states to enact if they saw fit.
With that said, now let's look at the legislation or executive mandate, already enacted and on the slate to be enacted. Remember, most of this is not news. We're just doing some math here:
- TARP I (Old news, of course, but this is the beginning of the biggest mess of bad math: The people now own 60% of GMC, and Chrysler along with FreddieMac, FannieMae, and many large banks, whether they wanted to investment or not.) The cost of this program's projected expense is claimed to be $30 billion--including a "pay-back" from AIG stock all Americans now own.
- TARP II (More...) Supposedly included in the above figures as of October 5, 2010.
- Fannie & Freddie: $5 trillion
- Small Business Jobs and Credit Act, a $30 billion bill it, allows "preferred stock and other financial instruments from eligible institutions (Small Business Lending Fund Program)," which doesn't actually go to just businesses, but primarily to banks with the oral agreement and assumption they will lend to small businesses. Weird, the Act grants money to businesses such as the Horse Industry, where buying a horse allows a person up to $500K.
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also coined "Obamacare," forcing everyone (except McDonald's), to buy health insurance that limits their care; decides when they die; whether their particular cancer warrants extended life; pay for someones abortion whether they believe it conscionable or not; and more.)
- Infrastructure Acts: There are several proposals: HR 6246 gives North Dakota millions for rural development. Don't let the infrastructure title fool you, this helps build homes and so forth too. A news brief just announced Obama's interest in a $1Billion infrastructure bill to repair the 'nations crumbling bridges and roads."
There are other budget busting expenditures, of course, but the purpose here is to illustrate a map. A very destructive map. The infrastructure bill Obama is pushing (as above) is designed to "create jobs" just as all the other "stimulus" bills have claimed to do. None of the previous attempts through this means have actually produced the jobs expected. It has increased the per capita debt in this country to explosive--more like implosive levels. The burgeoning spending spree is causing a collision course with two economic brick walls: An unsustainable debt--which most people realize; and, the hot-off-the-press printing of money. The two combined will eventually cause a collapse of the Government.
Do you see the concern I see? Our current national debt is growing at an astronomical $4.17 billion a day! It is currently at over $44,000 per capita of debt. That does not include entitlement program debt. Add another $107 trillion for that. It is estimated that, if we proceed only with the current pace, adding nothing more, the debt will hit 90% of the country's GNP in nine years! Currently, about 60% of the nations income goes to taxes. There is only 40% left to go before we reach a completely Communist system where all goes to the government and the government dictates who, what, and why people get income, goods, and needs met. If the plan is accelerated, a collapse comes more rapidly. At that point, a state of emergency will call for a "new government" to fix the problem since capitalism didn't. (When in reality capitalism was abandoned in order to create the crises.) As long and there is a pen and a check to write on, there is debt to increase. The end goal is not in producing jobs, nor even buying American votes, but in the final collapse of the free market that will signal the end of our system of government. The history of all nations with this system proves the demise. The present administration seems to be banking on it.