Recipient of the Powerful Woman Writer Award, 2011
A SPECIAL NOTE: Many thanks to faithful readers for your patience with a lapse in regular article postings. I am engaged in further educational ambitions which leave me with very little time for other projects or pursuits. That said, from time to time, I'll include on the Right Wing of the Eagle some of my papers, including those from research projects. For my fellow American and world-wide friends, I hope you will find these papers--many of which are designed to teach principles--of value as you promote and maintain free-market principles and open society paradigms in your own region of the world. Sheryl Devereaux
Symbol of American Destiny
The eagle soars above the world, keenly aware of its surroundings. Its intellegence is supreme. Its power is revered and respected. Its eye always focused and direct. The American Bald Eagle rises above the fray, as we should. Each wing directs its flight. When it soars too long to the left, he leans to the right wing for corrective direction. The Right Wing of the Eagle must assist in helping give balance to the American paradigm.