I have been a state delegate throughout the past couple decades or more, since the 1980's. Throughout that time the pattern is always about that same. About 50% of the Delegates are new every two years. Of those, nearly all never do any homework prior to convention, relying solely upon the merit of a singular speech, perhaps an additional exchange of short dialogue and maybe food. The speech is the sure clincher.
This year's election cycle brought a notable bobble in the statistics, with more than 60% of the delegates being new. Other than that difference, the standard practice prevailed. For a candidate who might take advantage of that circumstance with fibs and one-liners, without substance and "instant facts" about the opponent that can be verified at the last moment, this behavior is advantageous. Enter Jason Chaffetz.
Whatever might be said about Representative Cannon's weaknesses, and however legitimate any candidacy is for an opponent, misrepresentation of facts as a method of political strategy is never acceptable election policy. Whether one agrees with Congressman Cannon or not, it should be on the basis of his true record, not on misrepresentation, misinformation, or even out right lies for which an opponent gains acclaim. To gain it through false means not only demeans the process but creates a fictitious character for the unwitting public to believe in. A campaign cannot falsely ascribe notions about the incumbent to make his or her own merits thrive so to warrant the challenge. That is a fraud.
I have heard Chaffetz state many claims to what the Representative’s record is in substantiating his own electability. But in researching those claims, I found, disturbingly, that NONE are factual. Chaffetz makes many assertions about Cannon—all of which I researched. (One of my favorites of Chaffetz's claims, which he made at a debate held for Delegates at the Provo City Chamber is a reference to an earmark to Gardner Village in South Jordan.) The lack of factual substantiation warrants serious questions about Chaffetz's legitimacy as a candidate.
For the record:
Cannon took office after NAFTA was signed; Chaffetz made up the Gardner Village earmark--according the LOC there is no such earmark. Cannon not only doesn't support No Child Left Behind, he did not vote for its reauthorization, he has been a die-hard supporter of the Dept of Ed. demise, (see www.endfeded.org).. He has a hard line voting record against illegal immigration to this county, with a level headed approach to fixing the quagmire immigration process improving flow, including felony convictions for habitual illegals; and reducing immigration fraud. Additionally, he shows compassion with REFUGEES and foreigners who are victims of dignity crimes and human trafficking (slavery). These are not illegal immigration bills at all but go to the heart of what America believes—or used to believe—on the Statue of Liberty. Yet, without wincing, we would believe the opposite rather than look at the record and keep abreast of what is going on—especially straight from the source.
And more: I discovered Cannon is ranked 30th most successful congressman in the nation combining both houses. He is the 2nd most successful Congressman in Utah History just after Jim Hansen. His conservative ranking is higher that Ron Paul. But Chaffetz claims Cannon is part of the problem and would rather run against him than defeat a Democrat from his own district with NO bills passed to date and a liberal voting record, all the while painting himself as a conservative. This just does not add up. It makes no sense.
But more disturbing than the bad math is our own unrecognizable guilt. We Utahans claim to be more responsible citizens than the rest of the nation, claiming a higher voting turnout, and more 4th of July fireworks. But the sober reality indicates some serious hypocrisy--not really involved in the system we claim to hold dear. We talk the talk, but don’t walk the talk.
Instead of giving a "newcomer" a chance, let's start by giving ourselves a chance. Challenge the notion that this Congressman has done nothing. That is an erroneous statement, and the record speaks in his defense. Look instead in the mirror and admit that WE have done nothing. Because for the 3rd District to oppose the philosophy of the Representative’s voting record, we would have to admit these tenets: We DON'T want Cannon because he didn't vote for NCLB, and DOESN”T want the Dept. of Ed., we can say we DON”T want porn stopped, and DO want Internet taxes. We must demand HIGHER taxes overall, and ask that he stop voting down omnibus bills that have incessant pork; and we can complain that Cannon is keeping taxed on utilities too low. For that matter, would you please open the flood gates for the illegals? Rep. Cannon, "tear down that border fence."
The truth is, we are liars if we say by the record he’s a pork barrel spender, an earmark maniac, a bureaucratic control freak that is keeping the schools tied to No Child Left Behind. And we definitely can’t say he is for putting out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants. Clearly we are delusional if we believe any one will come to bat more than Cannon on energy and lining the ducks in a row for new production of oil by the mighty shale deposits of the Rocky Mountains. Certainly we can’t give him credit for transnational commerce that started before he took office, (that would be NAFTA). How far out of line are we willing to go?
When we make no excuses and are involved in the process, two things happen: We become part of the solutions; and, we gain appreciation for the exhausting and driven efforts of our superior elected officials. Certainly we gain respect of the other districts and certainly add legitimacy to a challenger’s race when all is honest with no intent, wittingly or unwittingly to deceive.
But then, if we did all that, whom would we have to whine about and bully? There would be no cause for a 50-60% turnover in delegates now would there?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We Need a Reality Check before Voting in the Primary Election June 24th
The following letter is submitted openly for the voters of the 3rd Congressional District of the Sate of Utah by a number of citizens who are dedicated to having the truth prevail regardless of the ourcome of the race. It follows:
The number of misrepresentations made By Jason Chaffetz toward Representative Chris Cannon in the Utah 3rd Congressional face is overwhelming and disturbing. We are writing this letter independent of the candidates. Congressman Chris Cannon did not pursue us or petition us to write this letter to you. We ask that you fairly review the following claims and subsequent facts. We have researched them from many sources, including the Library of Congress, the State of Utah, and members of committees—all of which can be traced and are a matter of public record. Due to space constraints, we have included highlights.
Questions: Email sherphd@gmail.com
(The accusations Mr. Chaffetz makes are headed below with the word, “FICTION” before the stated issue; which is followed by our findings of “FACT”:)
Fiction: Congressman Cannon is ineffective and part of the problem: It’s time for a change.
FACT: For years Chris Cannon has worked to EXCHANGE worthless trust lands for oil and mineral rich parcels we can use. For the past many months he has been working to CHANGE harsh and oppressive federal permit laws, that are holding up production of oil shale in UTAH by companies that are ready to produce this year (after Sept.) on those lands. It is our Congressman; here in Utah, who is leading the nation in this fight. Footage of his testimony in congressional committee hearings from late May/early June can be seen on CNN. (You can Google it or send a request by email to: sherphd@gmail.com with “cannon oil shale” in text.) We will have oil in the US at $30/barrel or less after Rep. Cannon’s bill passes.
Additionally, Congressman Cannon voted 100% against abortion * voted 100% for protecting constitutional gun owner rights * numerous awards for protecting low taxes & low spending * 96% rated on low spending and taxes * Chairs prestigious Western Caucus * champion in fight for oil shale production * sponsored key legislation—tax free Internet * sponsored key anti-porn bills.
*** Chris Cannon is ranked the 30th most successful legislator in the nation out of the over 530 Representatives from both Houses on productivity and influence in getting bills passed. That is impressive, especially for a state the size of Utah. Though he is not perfect, he represents us with stellar performance. Furthermore, Congressman Cannon is the 2nd highest performing Congressman in Utah history!
Change? We agree: Change for change sake is ridiculous. It needs to be good "change". Chris Cannon represents change for the better. Please read the actual bills he has voted on and passed. He knows the facts and testifies to them accurately before committees pertinent to our cause. He obviously knows how to work with people and get substantive bills passed, such as Pornography bills, Internet tax deferments bills, utility bills, taxation bills....
Fiction: We have NCLB because Rep. Cannon voted for it-TWICE!
FACT: False! Rep. Cannon only voted for No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as originally intended, but that is NOT what we have now. NCLB was changed, by the Dept. of Ed. after the fact to a different purpose altogether.
· He voted AGAINST reauthorization of NCLB.
· He assigned staff and took time to initiate an educational committee to research corroboration of NCLB’s ineffectiveness. The Committee’s subsequent report is a matter of public record (see www.solveednow.org).
· Additionally, he supports alternatives to a federal educational system preferring local control as can be found on www.endfeded.org; His web site, http://www.endfeded.org/; has been around for yrs.
· Cannon has a committee working on the “End Fed Ed Project”: to research long-term solutions for local control of education.
Fiction: Chris is fiscally irresponsible and voted against the Bush Tax Cut
FACT: Rep. Cannon voted “no” for horrid omnibus pork bills that have earned him a 96% conservative ranking. Ironically, so-called “watch-dog” web sites erroneously picked up on the votes as being against illegal immigration when the votes were simply against pork barrel spending. Cannon has received awards from at 6 Nationally respected associations for his efforts in curbing spending and debt; and he is consistently ranked as one of the heroes to the taxpayer. Additionally Rep. Cannon voted:
**As Sponsor of the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution ** for a Constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 majorities of both Houses of Congress to pass any tax increase (H Res. 89) ** For dismantling the IRS (HR 3097) ** Against SCHIP expansion ** Against death tax (HR 8) ** For giving the President a line-item veto (HR 4890)…** AND Rep. Cannon did indeed vote FOR the Bush Tax cuts (HR 1836) according to Thomas-LOC.
Fiction: On immigration Chris supports “Catch and Release” and amnesty for illegal aliens
FACT: To the contrary, Rep. Cannon voted for: the border fence * REAL ID Act * employer penalties for hiring illegals * “Catch & DEPORT” to replace “catch & release” * Voted to make habitual border crossing by illegals a felony.
There are three bill types about foreigners and they are getting confused: 1.) Illegal Immigration bills are like those above where Chris Cannon has taken a hard line toward lawbreakers who cheat at becoming citizens.
2.) REFUGEE assistance or human dignity bills: Refugees are homeless and many times country-less. Though they are foreigners, there is a big difference between refugees and typical immigrants. HR3402; on the face of it, might appear to be a bill supporting illegal Immigration. But The Protection of Immigrant Victims bill: addresses victims of domestic abuse who want to immigrate and/ or are refugees because of severe hardship. Regardless, the issue is not compassion on illegal immigrants—illegal anything—but on two abused groups: 1.) Domestic violence and 2.) Trafficking, (slavery) On face some are grouping ignorantly with amnesty (Illegal?) immigration. In reality these are human dignity/ International crime bills
3.) Lastly, other bills look to solve the quagmire of eternal immigration processing with solutions to quickening or easing the process. This is a resounding request heard even in public as the ultimate solution to unfair delays and years of waiting in the immigration process. Again these have been tagged “amnesty” even though they apply in lawful circumstances and in actuality deal with immigration reform /modification that go to solving the problem.
Fiction: Chris supports pork barrel projects such as Gardner Village in West Jordan
FACT: Chaffetz’s blatantly albeit creatively lied: This so-called “Chris Cannon- Gardner Village Earmark” does not exist! A non-profit research group researched this independently. There is no record of such an earmark in the congressional record at the Library of Congress. Their search did uncover earmarks by Chris Cannon for infrastructure with a spend-down over years for major construction of such things as storm drain systems and main pipes and so forth for cities in Utah.
Fiction: Chris misses more votes than any representative and is derelict in his duties
FACT: Jason Chaffetz has been quick to accuse Congressman Cannon of being “AWOL” for a number of votes, despite knowing that they were due to family concerns particularly the grave illness, and subsequent passing of his daughter. In the midst of our research we came to this conclusion: The exaggeration of the record is not the point. The point is that despite Chris' personal loss he has managed to do our bidding and forged ahead with an exemplary record of achievement unmatched by ANYONE other than former congressman, Jim Hansen, landing Chris Cannon in the record books as the 2nd most productive Congressman in Utah history, behind Hansen.
That said, we urge our voting friends to ignore flagrant misrepresentations toward an extremely vital and productive servant to the state of Utah and especially our own 3rd District. If you have pertinent additional questions please feel free to send them by email to sherphd@gmail.com.
Thank you for your valuable time and respectful consideration.
Yours truly,
This note is included as per request by some endorsers: Jason Chaffetz is running in the 3rd District against a seated, senior Republican Congressman, instead of Democratic Congressman, Jim Matheson, that should be his opponent, because Chaffetz actually lives in the 2nd Congressional District. When asked why he is not running against the Democrat in his own district, Chaffetz’s reply was that he felt Rep. Cannon is worse than Jim Matheson, (whose Democratic voting record matches his party affiliation).
David Hansen John Curtis James Devereaux Sandi Boley
David Starling Sue Curtis Jerry Young Mary Mostert
Marina Starling John Updike Gary Ashby James R.Monnahan,M.D.
Eric Carter Carolyn Wright Millie Ashby
Jacqueline Carter David Wright Kay Boley M.D
The number of misrepresentations made By Jason Chaffetz toward Representative Chris Cannon in the Utah 3rd Congressional face is overwhelming and disturbing. We are writing this letter independent of the candidates. Congressman Chris Cannon did not pursue us or petition us to write this letter to you. We ask that you fairly review the following claims and subsequent facts. We have researched them from many sources, including the Library of Congress, the State of Utah, and members of committees—all of which can be traced and are a matter of public record. Due to space constraints, we have included highlights.
Questions: Email sherphd@gmail.com
(The accusations Mr. Chaffetz makes are headed below with the word, “FICTION” before the stated issue; which is followed by our findings of “FACT”:)
Fiction: Congressman Cannon is ineffective and part of the problem: It’s time for a change.
FACT: For years Chris Cannon has worked to EXCHANGE worthless trust lands for oil and mineral rich parcels we can use. For the past many months he has been working to CHANGE harsh and oppressive federal permit laws, that are holding up production of oil shale in UTAH by companies that are ready to produce this year (after Sept.) on those lands. It is our Congressman; here in Utah, who is leading the nation in this fight. Footage of his testimony in congressional committee hearings from late May/early June can be seen on CNN. (You can Google it or send a request by email to: sherphd@gmail.com with “cannon oil shale” in text.) We will have oil in the US at $30/barrel or less after Rep. Cannon’s bill passes.
Additionally, Congressman Cannon voted 100% against abortion * voted 100% for protecting constitutional gun owner rights * numerous awards for protecting low taxes & low spending * 96% rated on low spending and taxes * Chairs prestigious Western Caucus * champion in fight for oil shale production * sponsored key legislation—tax free Internet * sponsored key anti-porn bills.
*** Chris Cannon is ranked the 30th most successful legislator in the nation out of the over 530 Representatives from both Houses on productivity and influence in getting bills passed. That is impressive, especially for a state the size of Utah. Though he is not perfect, he represents us with stellar performance. Furthermore, Congressman Cannon is the 2nd highest performing Congressman in Utah history!
Change? We agree: Change for change sake is ridiculous. It needs to be good "change". Chris Cannon represents change for the better. Please read the actual bills he has voted on and passed. He knows the facts and testifies to them accurately before committees pertinent to our cause. He obviously knows how to work with people and get substantive bills passed, such as Pornography bills, Internet tax deferments bills, utility bills, taxation bills....
Fiction: We have NCLB because Rep. Cannon voted for it-TWICE!
FACT: False! Rep. Cannon only voted for No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as originally intended, but that is NOT what we have now. NCLB was changed, by the Dept. of Ed. after the fact to a different purpose altogether.
· He voted AGAINST reauthorization of NCLB.
· He assigned staff and took time to initiate an educational committee to research corroboration of NCLB’s ineffectiveness. The Committee’s subsequent report is a matter of public record (see www.solveednow.org).
· Additionally, he supports alternatives to a federal educational system preferring local control as can be found on www.endfeded.org; His web site, http://www.endfeded.org/; has been around for yrs.
· Cannon has a committee working on the “End Fed Ed Project”: to research long-term solutions for local control of education.
Fiction: Chris is fiscally irresponsible and voted against the Bush Tax Cut
FACT: Rep. Cannon voted “no” for horrid omnibus pork bills that have earned him a 96% conservative ranking. Ironically, so-called “watch-dog” web sites erroneously picked up on the votes as being against illegal immigration when the votes were simply against pork barrel spending. Cannon has received awards from at 6 Nationally respected associations for his efforts in curbing spending and debt; and he is consistently ranked as one of the heroes to the taxpayer. Additionally Rep. Cannon voted:
**As Sponsor of the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution ** for a Constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 majorities of both Houses of Congress to pass any tax increase (H Res. 89) ** For dismantling the IRS (HR 3097) ** Against SCHIP expansion ** Against death tax (HR 8) ** For giving the President a line-item veto (HR 4890)…** AND Rep. Cannon did indeed vote FOR the Bush Tax cuts (HR 1836) according to Thomas-LOC.
Fiction: On immigration Chris supports “Catch and Release” and amnesty for illegal aliens
FACT: To the contrary, Rep. Cannon voted for: the border fence * REAL ID Act * employer penalties for hiring illegals * “Catch & DEPORT” to replace “catch & release” * Voted to make habitual border crossing by illegals a felony.
There are three bill types about foreigners and they are getting confused: 1.) Illegal Immigration bills are like those above where Chris Cannon has taken a hard line toward lawbreakers who cheat at becoming citizens.
2.) REFUGEE assistance or human dignity bills: Refugees are homeless and many times country-less. Though they are foreigners, there is a big difference between refugees and typical immigrants. HR3402; on the face of it, might appear to be a bill supporting illegal Immigration. But The Protection of Immigrant Victims bill: addresses victims of domestic abuse who want to immigrate and/ or are refugees because of severe hardship. Regardless, the issue is not compassion on illegal immigrants—illegal anything—but on two abused groups: 1.) Domestic violence and 2.) Trafficking, (slavery) On face some are grouping ignorantly with amnesty (Illegal?) immigration. In reality these are human dignity/ International crime bills
3.) Lastly, other bills look to solve the quagmire of eternal immigration processing with solutions to quickening or easing the process. This is a resounding request heard even in public as the ultimate solution to unfair delays and years of waiting in the immigration process. Again these have been tagged “amnesty” even though they apply in lawful circumstances and in actuality deal with immigration reform /modification that go to solving the problem.
Fiction: Chris supports pork barrel projects such as Gardner Village in West Jordan
FACT: Chaffetz’s blatantly albeit creatively lied: This so-called “Chris Cannon- Gardner Village Earmark” does not exist! A non-profit research group researched this independently. There is no record of such an earmark in the congressional record at the Library of Congress. Their search did uncover earmarks by Chris Cannon for infrastructure with a spend-down over years for major construction of such things as storm drain systems and main pipes and so forth for cities in Utah.
Fiction: Chris misses more votes than any representative and is derelict in his duties
FACT: Jason Chaffetz has been quick to accuse Congressman Cannon of being “AWOL” for a number of votes, despite knowing that they were due to family concerns particularly the grave illness, and subsequent passing of his daughter. In the midst of our research we came to this conclusion: The exaggeration of the record is not the point. The point is that despite Chris' personal loss he has managed to do our bidding and forged ahead with an exemplary record of achievement unmatched by ANYONE other than former congressman, Jim Hansen, landing Chris Cannon in the record books as the 2nd most productive Congressman in Utah history, behind Hansen.
That said, we urge our voting friends to ignore flagrant misrepresentations toward an extremely vital and productive servant to the state of Utah and especially our own 3rd District. If you have pertinent additional questions please feel free to send them by email to sherphd@gmail.com.
Thank you for your valuable time and respectful consideration.
Yours truly,
This note is included as per request by some endorsers: Jason Chaffetz is running in the 3rd District against a seated, senior Republican Congressman, instead of Democratic Congressman, Jim Matheson, that should be his opponent, because Chaffetz actually lives in the 2nd Congressional District. When asked why he is not running against the Democrat in his own district, Chaffetz’s reply was that he felt Rep. Cannon is worse than Jim Matheson, (whose Democratic voting record matches his party affiliation).
David Hansen John Curtis James Devereaux Sandi Boley
David Starling Sue Curtis Jerry Young Mary Mostert
Marina Starling John Updike Gary Ashby James R.Monnahan,M.D.
Eric Carter Carolyn Wright Millie Ashby
Jacqueline Carter David Wright Kay Boley M.D
Labels: America, politics, Constitution
Chaffetz; Cannon; Utah 3rd District Race; primary; lies; truth; fiction; fact; record; LOC
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